Feb 17, 2025 - 06:41 AM

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Pictures taken in Japan (8/20/04 ~ 9/2/04)

My home for two weeks... Yokota Air Base, Japan
My home for two weeks... Yokota Air Base, Japan

Stop... yield...  Good thing they print the English word!
Stop... yield... Good thing they print the English word!

I'm scared to drive on this ramp!
I'm scared to drive on this ramp!

Say what?  Perhaps I should beware of falling objects...
Say what? Perhaps I should beware of falling objects...

Read very carefully... looking for spelling errors...
Read very carefully... looking for spelling errors...

Stop sign on the middle of the building...  as if the building wasn't enough of a deterent?
Stop sign on the middle of the building... as if the building wasn't enough of a deterent?

Good advice... especially if there are motion sensors in the building...
Good advice... especially if there are motion sensors in the building...

Typical car in Japan...  so tiny!
Typical car in Japan... so tiny!

Sports field at the high school on base...  Named after a MSgt who served at the base in the late 1970s.  The name cracks me up!
Sports field at the high school on base... Named after a MSgt who served at the base in the late 1970s. The name cracks me up!

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